Media Category: Blighty

Actual GPS coordinates of our trip

Actual GPS coordinates of our trip

Our short walk

Our short walk

Tickets to Sh*t faced Shakespeare at the Great Yorkshire Fringe Festival

Tickets to Sh*t faced Shakespeare at the Great Yorkshire Fringe Festival

Jorvik Viking Centre

Jorvik Viking Centre

Jorvik Viking Centre

Jorvik Viking Centre

Jorvik Viking Centre

Jorvik Viking Centre

The Shambles, York

The Shambles, York

York Minster

York Minster

Stratford 6

A different type of portrait at the MAD Museum

People reciting Shakespeare at Shakespeare’s Birthplace

People reciting Shakespeare at Shakespeare’s Birthplace

Wall of Shakespeare’s plays

Wall of Shakespeare’s plays

Portrait of Shakespeare

Portrait of Shakespeare

Titus Andronicus at The Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford upon Avon

Titus Andronicus at The Royal Shakespeare Company, Stratford upon Avon



Queen’s View, Scotland

Queen’s View, Scotland

Stirling Castle

Stirling Castle

Stirling Castle

Stirling Castle