Author: Stephen

300 Days: Central Europe Top 10

300 Days: Central Europe Top 10

A whole month in central Europe, driving around historic cities and beautiful landscapes. That was the plan. Forget the sun in Spain, the food in Italy and the beaches in Greece. This road trip was about one thing and one thing only – finding the […]

300 Days: How The West Was Traveled – Vegas to Vancouver

300 Days: How The West Was Traveled – Vegas to Vancouver

The final two weeks of our US road trip were spent driving up the sunny west coast of North America. Amazingly, we did not visit any beaches, preferring instead to stay inland and soak up the laid-back culture, food and wine. After spending a few […]

300 Days: Straight Up The Middle

300 Days: Straight Up The Middle

We had just spent the last two weeks working our way down South, but it was now time to go North again… straight up the middle of the USA! From Louisiana, we headed across to Houston Texas to visit the infamous NASA Space Center. Having […]

300 Days: Home of the Big Mac, KFC and Everything In-between

300 Days: Home of the Big Mac, KFC and Everything In-between

Leaving the East coast, we headed West with the aim of reaching Chicago in 3 days. Our first stop was for lunch at a McDonalds in Pennsylvania – but this wasn’t just any old McDonalds, it was the famous Big Mac Museum. The Big Mac […]

300 Days: The City That Never Sleeps

300 Days: The City That Never Sleeps

New York City. Empire city. The Big Apple. What an amazing place. I don’t know how anybody could visit here and not fall in love with the city. It’s like you’re in a movie. The neighbourhoods are all so different and vibrant. The food is […]

300 Days: Road Tripping – Toronto to DC

300 Days: Road Tripping – Toronto to DC

After almost 8 weeks in Central America we were really looking forward to being somewhere a little bit more civilized. Central America was amazing but there is only so much rice, beans and tortillas that one can handle! Interestingly, Cuba turns out to be a […]

300 Days: The Perfect Imperfect Caribbean Beach Wedding

300 Days: The Perfect Imperfect Caribbean Beach Wedding

What a first week and a half… it was absolutely crazy! We boarded flight QF7 from Sydney to Dallas on Wednesday the 8th of March. Luckily, our request to upgrade to business class on points was granted, making the 15-hour journey very enjoyable. Brooke even […]

300 Days: The Plan

300 Days: The Plan

Brooke and I first met back in 2011 whilst travelling. We had both left our jobs in London to go and ‘travel the world’. We never knew each other in the UK. Our paths would have never crossed were it not for our shared passion […]